A francophone, francophile community on the Gold Coast.
For over a century, the Alliance Française has been seeing through an ambitious project: spreading French language and culture well beyond the borders of France.
Known the world over, the Alliance is present in 133 countries where it has adapted its recipe to 1,071 local committees - each with its very own personality. Globally, the Alliance Française is devoted to more than 420,000 students, making it the largest French language teaching association in the world.
Alliance Française established a local incorporated association on the Gold Coast-Tweed region on the 10th February 1999.
Objectives of the Association:
To teach French language, advance education in French literature and culture, to foster a better mutual understanding between Australia and France by developing linguistic & cultural exchanges and to provide an enduring centre of knowledge and expertise in the Gold Coast-Tweed Area dedicated to that function.
The organisation of French and national cultural events (shows, recitals, exhibitions, conferences, etc.) and of recreational and promotional gatherings.
The encouragement of language-based travel in France and French-speaking countries.
The Association, in furtherance of those objectives is:
(a) To coordinate with the Fondation Alliance Française in Paris and any successor;
(b) Not to operate for the profit or gain of its individual Members whether these gains would have been direct or indirect;
(c) To have no political, religious or racial leanings or bias.